Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Should I keep calm for an Olodo? No!

I do not understand the idea behind people who publicize almost every irrelevant detail of their lives.
Imagine the one I came across the other day, "Thank God for a successful paper today, unto the next one. Oshey baba! I'm so greatful lord".
WTH! Really!!!
There's every possibility that this person (and all like this) isn't even in the top 90 of the 100 students in his class that prepared for that exam, yet, he still had to announce to the world that he just wrote an exam he cannot defend. These category of people find it hard to get on their knees and pray, or did Facebook suddenly get rebranded as a church? - The Sacred Order of those who can't Face their Problems Physically but Online.

It hurts my person each time I see grown men and woman in this present time fall victim to senseless and well-glaring underage post, in the name of being relevant and 'active' on social media. If you have nothing new and important to communicate, keep shut! This way you'd save yourself a lot of embarrassment (from people like me that'll always tell you the truth), and you'll also save your data for other things more tangible.

- Talius Dike

FF, tweet @LSbyTalius
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The word alchemist said...

for once someone else see's y facebook users can be stupid most times
but they are not all bad. Got this from someone's status as to y he is single.
" A boy's eye is
Faster than Google in searching a
Beautiful girl in crowd..
A boy's heart is slower than
Government bus while
Proposing a Girl whom he truly

The word alchemist said...
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Unknown said...

True, not all are bad, but many are far gone. Thanks for tour input.