Saturday, 10 October 2015

Before I fall: An epiphany

I want to tell you something, I should have said a while ago, something that's been eating me up, something I desperately need to say before I fall.

I want to tell you how much you're special, I know this because I too was special.  I seemed to have lost my way because I succumbed to numerous distractions of the world.

Distractions that made me into someone else.

Then I had an epiphany. I was reborn for a new purpose, to stop the world from polluting innocence, to prevent the earthly forces from devouring the young.

I carried on the path set for me after my epiphany and encountered little success, with huge oppositions and now it seems as though I am been tried again by the world. I thought man can but only suffer a fate worse than death once and be reborn from his ashes, but it looks as though I have been set on the track for another trial.

The world some say is cruel, some say it isn't fair, some say it consistently punishes a particular set of people. The world's ways obviously are relative and not absolute and are open to the interpretation of men as they see through their own eyes.

I want to continue and use to the last drop all of my energy to fight the good fight until I can no more.

- Talius Dike

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Anonymous said...

Nice one

Unknown said...

Quite impressive!! Thumbs up

Frankie boy said...

Bro, I dey feel your insight. No worry you u go sell pass Linda Ikeji