Thursday, 9 February 2017

Should I Keep Calm For an Olodo (Updated version)

This woman wants a man to permanently call her own. But, she has nothing to offer in return even though her taste is high.

Mathew, the student, wants to pass his exam. But, he hasn't read anything quantifiable this semester.

The man with the popular shop along the street wants to buy the latest Range Rover this Christmas. But, he hasn't started saving or making plans towards this feat.

What do you think is common to all these people?

They're Olodos.

I have never really understood the idea behind people who publicize almost every detail of their lives, both the relevant and the irrelevant. Months ago I came across someone on my FB timeline thanking God for a successful examination, and hoping he'll help him with the remaining ones just as he magically did that day.

I never knew God performed magic, until that moment.

There's every possibility that this person (and all like him) isn't in the top 90 of the 100 students in his class that prepared for that exam, yet, he still had to announce to the world that he just wrote an exam he cannot defend. These category of people find it hard to get on their knees and pray for the miracle they want. I sometimes wonder if Facebook had suddenly get rebranded as a miracle center - The sacred order of those who can't face their problems physically but come online to do so.

It hurts my person each time I see grown men and woman in this present time fall victim to senseless and well-glaring underage post, in the name of being relevant and 'active' on social media. If you have nothing new and important to communicate, keep shut! You'd save yourself a lot of embarrassment (from people like me that'll always tell you the truth).

If you want something, anything at all, be ready to work for it. Good things rarely come easy. Make the conscious effort to want to raise your station, and see things fall in place, because your dedication to a cause will cause things to align better.

Yes, there may be detractors; or has any man ever achieved anything without having people wanting to put him down.

Every story has its villain. And, for every hero there is an antihero or outright villain. Be ready to face your demons, in whatever form they might appear, and see yourself conquering mountains to get to that top you've so much craved for.

FB: Life Summaries by Talius
Tweet @LSbyTalius @TaliusDike

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