Thursday, 13 April 2017

What's Holy About The Holy Week?

For the non-Christians, this is the Holy week - the week that ushers in Easter Sunday (the Sunday that's supposedly the one Jesus Christ rose from the dead.)

Permit me to say, but since time immemorial, this week boasts of the highest rate of hypocrisy among Christians. To be truthful, the entire Lenten season is a scam. Sort of.

Now, many might wonder why I'm saying this, but there's no need sugar-coating something almost everyone knows, even if we don't like to admit it. The reason for this my ideology stems from the fact that most of us aren't really Christians, we only answer the name as a tag because we identify with the Church as against other forms of religion. Truthfully, most of us have no single strand of Christ-likeness in us, which is made evident from the many sinful acts we nonchalantly spearhead in our daily lives.

The Holy Week. The well revered Holy Week. The week when even the staunchest of sinners goes about preaching the need to strive to be Holy, to attend the Good Friday's Stations of the Cross procession. The week scholars of the Bible, Pastors, Priests, etc., urge you to be at your best behavior for the sake of reverence to something that has lost its meaning through extreme negligence.

I ask, who is fooling who?

People need to wake up. We need to start seeing pass the Church and what it no longer represents. The Church has lost a large chunk of its true values. We need to begin to see pass the reasoning that going to Church every Sunday increases our chances of being right with God. To see pass the false truth that going for confession offsets our burdened heart for us to start the count again from zero to full-cup of sin when we'll be due for another confession. Till we see the need to be selfless beings who are ready to serve Christ in full, truth and in spirit, there's no need deceiving ourselves. One can either be for God or for mammoth, but never both at the same time.

So, if you aren't ready to serve now, stop the pretense!

Growing up, I heard a lot of references to how judgment will start in the Church. I never understood it then, but it's beginning to make sense now. Remember, the Church are the persons who make up the congregation and priesthood, not the building.

Few days ago, there was this article about Mount Zion Ministry reminding people not to drag God's name into Efe of BB Naija's win. Their reason was that BBN was immoral and God wasn't central to Efe's victory. People (mostly Christians) went on rampage, because this generation detests the truth. But that's where it gets interesting, the truth is the truth and it will never change. If you find fault with what Mount Zion Ministry said, check yourself, because you're already in trouble. God is God, yesterday, today, and forever. No manner of twisted doctrine in Church, or form of alteration by persons will ever change that.

- Arinze Talius Dike©
 Tweet @TaliusDike @LsByTalius
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