Monday, 8 May 2017



That's the sad truth about life. You're dying, no one cares. You're still alive, no one truly cares. Life is a personal journey and also a selfish one.

And to think this discussion came up as a joke between I and two friends strolling a path. I realize as I type this, that I also don't care if you like the message or not. (That's only true to an extent sha!)

Because no one truly cares, that's why:
- Parents give birth to children of theirs to protect personal interests, and most alter the love shown to children begat outside their loins.
- An only son is made to marry early, to protect their interest.
- A child is given off by the parents to make a way for the remaining ten siblings.
- There's so much budget padding and whistle-blowing in the country.
- Why a lecturer fails you for a pardonable offense.
- Cigarette companies warn you of death after collecting your money for the pack...

The list is endless.

Life is unfair, and the easiest way to not be a permanent recipient of all its baggage is to toughen up and to an extent stop caring.

Nah! I'm joking.

Care. Show love. There's too much negativity in the world; we can only try out part by infusing as much positive energy into it as we can. That way, we'd know if things would get better, and polithievecians would stop carting away our money.

Nah! I'm joking too.

Whistle-blowing is presently the most lucrative job in Nigeria. If you care deep enough, do not blow your whistle for that criminal that has made life difficult for you and the masses.

What am I saying sef? Let me come and be going.

(singing as I leave... nobody cares! nobody cares o!...)

- Rinzy Talius Dike
FB: Life Summaries by Talius
(Tweet @TaliusDike, and @LSbyTalius)

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