Saturday, 16 April 2016

Liars: Are they born or made?



That's the word mostly used to describe some deadly scenarios of lies-tellings when recounting to a third party, a lie experienced.

Lies are a part of our lives, either we are the ones lying, or we are the ones buying the lie being sold.

We live in a generation where a lie is seen as a normal part of everyday living, and everyone is accepting it as one of those things. Fast gone are the days when it was a grievous offence to lie; to damage the trust placed on you by a person or people.

My question is: Are liars born or made; because the kind of lie you hear this days, all but makes you wonder what goes on in the mind of such a person.

Perfect case scenario - I, and two friends were discussing, sometime last week. One thing led to another, and Friend A, told I and mutual Friend B, that he had gone to a popular hotel in Abuja and that the said hotel had 165 storeys.

Say what!!!

Friend B, and I, were shocked to say the least. 165 storeys, in Nigeria of now, and no one already knows?

The truth came out from him, the moment we wanted to consult a renowned search engine - the lie buster.

The eye opening event and several other blockbusting lies witnessed lately, made me to write this epistle.

Please, help me. Let's fish out the reasons why some people go the extra mile to give an outstanding lie, when it isn't necessary. This is fast becoming an epidemic.

- Talius Dike

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