Friday, 29 April 2016

We all wear masks

Masks are used to cover the real facades of men.

Masks are meant to be worn in times of great need to camouflage and hide ourselves from identity-associated threats, but a lot of us always forget to take off our masks after we're done.

Because of that, almost everyone this days is putting on a mask at every point.

There are so many types of masks humans put on for different occasions. All masks are not equal, some are scarier than others.

When you get to know someone and you become attached to the person, because of one or two features that attracted you initially; You are close to that person in the form of the mask you recognize. In time, when you and that loved one begin to have issues, it's as a result of the mask you are familiar with been removed, and probably been replaced permanently.

Now, I made mention of the mask been replaced, this could be intentionally or by coincidence. It mostly happens unintentionally, because the lot of us cannot recognize our true selves, even when we stare at the mirror, and therefore cannot consciously self-identify when we have put on another set of character.

Masks are good. They have their uses, and are heavily relied upon to create the image of pleasantries, even when one isn't in the mood, but we must never forget to always take it off and leave the real person we are beneath for the world to see, no matter how unpleasant he/she seems.

Remember, the more you pick up another man's persona, the more you forget, and lose who you truly are.

- Talius Dike

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